Common War Tokens are a famous and invigorating field of Exonomia

Common War Tokens showed up in the mid 1860s because of a lack of government provided money. First gold and silver disappeared, then, at that point, pennies were stored. (Exploration the monetary hypothesis of Gresham’s Law.)

Business was enduring, thus private people began striking little copper tokens as substitutes to pennies. In the end the public authority interceded and Civil War Tokens everything except vanished from dissemination.


Common War Tokens were struck somewhere in the range of 1861 and 1865. These would for the most part be struck in copper yet a couple were metal and then again other uncommon ones struck in white metal. Actually talking a Civil War Token ought to be between 18 mm and 25 mm.


Common War Tokens can for the most part be partitioned into two groups: Patriotic and Store Cards.

Devoted Tokens show political and energetic topics with specific accentuation on the Civil War like “The Federal Union – it should and will be saved” or “No trade off with backstabbers” or even abolitionist subjects like “No Slavery” … in every case truly collectible.



Store Cards were utilized by traders to publicize their business or items. Ordinarily one kick the bucket was a standard one, maybe a devoted bite the dust, or a typical pass on given by the pass on maker, and the subsequent pass on would be tweaked for the business.





These are frequently gathered topically by subject, or by district, for certain spaces like NYC putting out many tokens and different regions like Whitehall, NY having just a single token-giving store.


Gathering an assortment of Civil War tokens is simple and somewhat cheap.

Numerous vendors have pieces accessible.

I keep a stock good to go, with a return advantage too.

You can think about beginning a Patriotic Collection or even a Store Card Collection of a town of your decision. Or on the other hand even both. I had gathered Patriotic and NYC Store Cards at one point and it gave me a lot of delight.

Ultimately, think about visiting the Civil War Token Society Website. I would totally suggest joining this great association. You’ll accept their quarterly CWTS Journal with some truly astonishing exploration and data.


Cheerful gathering!

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